"The fastest game on two feet." Lightning Lacrosse Club
The La Crosse Lightning Board Meets Monthly on the
2nd Monday of the Month at 6:00 P.M.
Location: Milwaukee Burger Company
3039 Medco Ct; La Crosse, WI 54601
Executive Committee
President: Katie Irwin
Past President: Sarah Smith
Vice President: Faye Ellis
Treasurer: Chris Veum
Secretary: OPEN
Board of Directors
Youth Rep: OPEN
Coaching Director: OPEN
Fundraising Chairman:
Standing Committee Chairs Registrar: OPEN
Webmaster/Social Media: OPEN
League Rep: OPEN
Advertising/PR: OPEN
Fields & Facilities: OPEN
Clothing Coordinator: OPEN
Picture Coordinator: OPEN
Equipment Coordinator: Brandee and Ryan McKane